farewell, my most prized miami summer


To show my undying love for miami, i will leave you with this 'SUPER' (super: most popular adverb amongst miamians and nowhere else in the world) leisure and nostalgic collage of mine in hopes of getting across to you this one simple message:
                                    hey you, enjoy your miami.




if the world was truly my oyster, i would write all day about the good, the ugly and the queen; i would eat delicious cuisine, listen to the best music, make questionably decent art, read articles about you and those foreign to you and afterward blog about all of it. but because 'money makes the world go round' and im not yet immune to consumerism, the time has come for me to continue pursuing my college endeavors to shake hands with the elite to make nice with the powerful to eventually rise 'the ladder' and become ceo of the world itself.


farewell miami... i will be back soon for you (2011!)... do me a favor and stay nice.

- Alex Valls

CulturePatricia Azze