BLT (with extra mayo and yellow tomatoes, please)

BLT Yellow tomato white bread.JPG

My husband has never has a BLT until the year 2011. I know that’s insane for those of us who have enjoyed the simple spoils of a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. If you are in his camp and somehow find yourself reading this, please, I beg of you - call me, I’ll make you one! I’ll make you this one. You can find my email address at the bottom of this page under Contact.

I think Ashley and I stumbled upon the perfect BLT when we, admittedly with a light buzz by this time in our cooking extravaganza of a day, assembled this sandwich. I say assembled because it feels like a reach to say we “cooked” or “created” this, its a BLT for fuckssake.

Here are my tips for making a bomb BLT:

  • I polled you guys on Instagram and everyone felt very strongly that a BLT should be on white bread. I agree. I also think it should be well--toasted and scrape the top of your mouth, that’s just how it is. Sorry.

  • Yellow tomatoes for life. Because they looked the best at the market that day. But also because they are beautiful. I have no shame in picking a tomato because it’s beautiful.

  • Also a lot of mayo is key and there was something kind of artful about using this squeezy bottle. Ok, those are my tips.

BLT mayo easy recipe.JPG
BLT mayonaisse.JPG
BLT bacon yellow tomato miami.JPG
summer BLT yellow tomato.JPG
Patricia Azze