miami nice is guest blogging on about what's nice in coral gables

MIAMI NICE is weighing in weekly on what's nice in Coral Gables on SHOPCORALGABLES.COM. So far, we've shopped candles at Violetas a store with really fancy things we can't afford like Hermes tea cups and a bunch of more affordable really, really nice smelling candles that will make you feel rich, found all the right gifts at the Coral Gables Art Museum's Gift Shop, a museum within the museum, and philosophized a bit on Cuban sandwiches at Bread + Butter



Look out for the posts on the Style&Bites blog, they go up every Tuesday morning. We'll be featured all sorts of nice local businesses with our stamp of approval. 

For more nice places in Coral Gables and other neighborhoods, check out our Nice Places map and zoom into your area of interest of search by category. 

Only In MiamiPatricia Guarch