holy muzungu!



if you have a serious case of wanderlust (and who doesn't) but are kind of stuck doing normal day to day things like going to CVS and waiting at red lights on US1 (which you probably are) Muzungu Sisters is the site for you. Becuase the second best thing to taking a trip to India and scooping up the dopest kundan earrings you can find or traveling to Peru and finding that perfect alpaca bookbag - is killing a bunch of time online in a perfectly curated store from the comfort of your couch and Netflix. 

Muzungu Sisters is a website that brings together the best handmade fashion and jewelry goods from around the world with a reverence for fair labor practices. It the perfect way to shop the markets of Marrakesh without the pricey plane ticket,

Put on a kaftan, some hibiscus tea (more on that later), stick your screen in an embellished clutch and head to the pool. It's like a vacation. Kind of. 



I'm always on the lookout for non-chonga hoops hoops and these are them. 



Earrings from India. 



Sicilian bag made of palma nana straw. Pom poms are the very best thing ever. I think I smell a DIY. 

All images via Muzungu Sisters