style icons: the surprisingly born in Miami edition

Catherine Keener is a movie star, like duh, but she's from Miami, went to elementary school in Hialeah (Immaculate Conception) and Pace- not so duh. Check out her IMDB because if you're saying Catherine Who? you'll recognize her from The 40 Year Old Virgin as the Ebay store lady.
Besides being topical because she's in two indie films this summer (Cyrus... the one I actually drove all the way to Ft Lauderdale to see, and Please Give, where she gave a great performance in a not-necessarily-great movie).


Next up, Johnny Depp, who lives in more than 20 cities as a kid and finally settled in Miramar. That's right our neighbors to the north Miramar. So, I guess that means he called it home for a while.
Anyway, this gave me an excuse to post a few pics of cool Johnny Depp (not that he isn't cool now, but I'm talking preDisney Depp). Oh, and we all know he's a pirate of the Caribbean and we're in the Caribbean... so.... justified?