let's copy andrew zimmern


while I think that the people who really know a place are the locals, there's no doubt that the dudes on TV like Andrew Zimmern and Anthony Bourdain who travel the world and eat like pigs get someone, probably some poor intern, to talk to the locals to find out the best places. So, whenever I hear Miami mentioned on TV I turn it up and get ready to pass my judgement on whether or not they know what's nice.

Andrew Zimmern, that lovable dork who will eat absolutely anything has a seafood special today on the Travel Channel which he hosted from our very own Miami Beach (sidenote: have you noticed how all those restaurants trying to draw in tourists offer "sales" on their food, by a rule of thumb, don't eat in places with girls in bikinis holding up signs for sale food). He ate at a little trailer right on Miami Beach called the Love Food Cafe, and when I say right on Miami Beach, I mean on the sand. This is the dream of any beach-goer who realizes thirty seconds in that they're going to need some sustinance to stand the heat. Their specialty? ceviche made of tilapia and salmon. The chef says that you aren't really supposed to use tilapia or salmon for ceviche, but that she does anyway and Andrew Zimmern said it was delish. Anyone tried this place?

image via bilingual in the boonie and yelp

find love food cafe at 1717 collins ave