resort round-up 1

i pre-emptively labeled this part one because that gives me an excuse to go back to for a part two. I previously posted my thoughts on resort collections and their inherent connectivity to the Miami fashion scene
Here are my thoughts on some of the 2011 resort collections thus far:

The Row. Mk and A's line is freakishly sophisticated, and borderline nun-like in this collection, but I don't think I can live another day without a crocodile vest.

I get the heeby-jeebies form anything Versace because it forces me to imagine Donatella's face, but I love the idea of a white blazer in a summer wardrobe over printed skirts, and that dress is the perfect summer wedding/super-chic BBQ dress.

Let's face it, Alexander Wang is a prodigy. He's only twenty-five and if you consider yourself a fashion-person and don't know his name you are a big huge loser. As a firm anti-midriff advocate I make a few exceptions and anything Wang is one of them (and somehow the chunky sweater that Northern summerers wear, but not us Southern folk really balances it out). Look two is a sequined nude jumpsuit- enough said.

If my mother saw me wearing any of these outfits she would tell me to turn around and change because you just can't wear multiple prints together, or one print from head to toe, you just can't. But, if Nicolas Ghesquière says you can do it, and call it "techno boheme," then so can I, and you.